With closely knit network of mentors, industrialists, peers, alums all centred around helping you nurture your ideas, foster innovation and assure scale, we help you build companies from scratch by connecting business opportunities with top entrepreneurial talent
Situated in the lush green premises of MNIT Jaipur, we are one stop window for all startup activities from ideation to product development to Commercialisation, from organising workshops, conferences, seminars with state-of-art infrastructure including variety of conference halls, seminar halls, auditorium, indoor and outdoor recreational facilities.
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The objective of the company is to develop noninvaseive solutions for chronicls disease such as diabets, cancer, cardiovascular disease etc. The developed medical devices would serve as selfcare devices using artificial intelligence technology and helps to improve point of care diagnosis for non-communicable diseases.
Medhini Oryktos are working in the sector of mines & minerals sector which are in abundance in Rajasthan State. Currently, we are dealing in 3 minerals which are Quartz, Feldspar & Mica. All of these products are not only commercially important but stratagically since quartz and mica are being used in the semiconductor and electronic industry.