MIIC is a Technology Business Incubator (TBI) sponsored by DST-GOI, New Delhi established in December 2016. It is registered as a society under the Rajasthan Societies Act, 1958. Its primary objective is to provide a platform for Conceiving, Realizing, Promoting & Nurturing knowledge based Innovation & Entrepreneurship amongst all the aspiring entrepreneurs. MIIC extends incubation support to startups primarily but not limited to the areas of Product or Process design/Re-design, Material or Process innovation, Information & Communications Technology.

Situated in the lush green premises of MNIT Jaipur, MIIC has a spacious building of 70,000 SQ FT area with all the amenities. It has 70 dedicated office space, 75 co-working space required for incubation activities. MIIC has spacious reception/display lounge, a very big machine hub of 1800 sq. ft., machine lounges, sports room, various meeting rooms, board rooms, seminar halls and computer lab with latest software, pantry and huge seperate parking space.

MIIC provides business scaling and hand holding through its expert team of resident, honorary and faculty mentors who guide the startups for their various technical and business concern.

Various activities like startup saturdays, workshops, seminars, expert session/talks, MDPs, summer internship programs and investor meets are organized at regular intervals to address the practical issues of registered startups.

A holistic effort with and through the startups is carried out to create success for the registered startups.



  • Industry Interface
  • Entrepreneur Interviews
  • Guest lectures, seminars & workshops


  • Opportunity Presentation
  • Research Support
  • Pre Market Study
  • Minimal Viable Product


  • Business Plan Preparation
  • Skill Development Training
  • One to One Mentoring
  • Investor Meets
  • Marketing Support


Promote and nurture incubation and Entrepreneurship.


To provide support and environment for Conceiving, Realizing, Promoting, and Nurturing Entrepreneurship culture and development of knowledge-based entrepreneurship amongst Students, Faculty, and Staff of MNIT Jaipur and other institutes as well as any other aspiring entrepreneurs in Rajasthan leading to successful ventures.


  • To create jobs, wealth and business in alignment with national priorities
  • To promote new technology / knowledge / innovation based startups.
  • To provide a platform for speedy commercialization of technologies developed by any academic / technical / R&D institution or by an individual
  • To build a vibrant startup ecosystem, by establishing a network between academia, financial institutions, industries and other institutions.
  • To provide cost effective, value added services to startups like mentoring, legal financial,technical, intellectual property related services.
  • To support MNIT Jaipur in creating an ecosystem of research, development, innovation and nurture creativity of the students.